Our Services

Highlander Political Strategies offers unparalleled voter contact solutions that are both effective and affordable. With years of experience in every level of the political arena, our team can work alongside your client’s campaign outreach strategies to deliver top-notch results.

Our services encompass a wide range of services, including voter identification, get-out-the-vote (GOTV), fundraising, patch-through calls, automated calls/polling, and more.

At Highlander, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver high-quality services that exceed our clients’ expectations.

Live Calls

At Highlander Political Strategies, we take great pride in our proven behavioral coaching process that produces world-class client advocates specializing in live call contacts.

In today’s political landscape, successful campaigns rely on active voter engagement. These voters play a critical role in shaping the political process by sharing their opinions and influencing their peers. Our client advocates are experts in identifying and connecting with these influential voters. By leveraging our expertise, our clients can build comprehensive lists of supporters who will actively promote their candidate or cause to the general public and, more importantly, to voters.

With our cutting-edge voter identification and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) calls, Highlander Political Strategies can take your campaign to the next level, ensuring that your message reaches the right people at the right time.

Text Messaging

Our technology allows you to send 16 personal text messages in the same amount of time it takes to make a single call. What’s more, text messaging has proven to be a highly effective channel for connecting with people, with response rates three times higher than those of traditional phone calls.

Our cutting-edge voter contact tool enables us to reach out to voters quickly and efficiently, helping you to build a stronger, more engaged community of supporters.

Contact us today to learn more about how Highlander Political Strategies can help you harness the power of text messaging and take your voter outreach efforts to the next level.

Patch Through

We understand the importance of breaking down the barriers that separate voters from their elected officials. Patch-through calls offer a powerful solution that can help achieve this goal. Our world-class technology allows us to connect citizens and voters directly with their elected officials, turning regular citizens into political advocates for your campaign or organization.

We are dedicated to working with you to harness the power of the people to drive change and improvement for your campaign or organization. With our expertise in telecommunications-based political services, we can help you achieve your goals by providing effective and efficient patch-through call services that help bridge the gap between voters and their elected officials.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your campaign or organization make a real difference.


Automated calling is an incredibly effective method for delivering your message to voters or other audiences. Our world-class technology allows you to record a personal message from your candidate, political organizer, or association head and deliver it according to the high standards set by local, state, and federal agencies.

With the ability to record and deliver messages in multiple languages and over a specified timeframe, we can tailor our automated calling service to your specific needs. Additionally, automated calls can be used to notify your audience of upcoming meetings, rallies, or other functions.

Our push-button polling process also allows you to collect feedback from voters, members, or the general public. At Highlander Political Strategies, we take our clients’ integrity and reputation seriously. That’s why our team of professionals is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you follow all guidelines associated with automated calling and polling.

Contact us today to learn more about how our automated calling service can help your campaign or organization succeed.


Automated calling is a very popular and effective way to deliver a message about your candidate or issue to voters. These calls allow a candidate, political organizer or association head to deliver a personal message to voters or other audiences. These messages can be recorded by the candidate or principal and can be delivered by our world-class technology in a manner that meets the high standards established by local, state and federal agencies. 

Our technology allows us to record and deliver messages in multiple languages and to deliver these message over a specified timeframe. Automated calls can also be utilized to notify audiences of upcoming meetings, rallies or other functions. This service also allows you to poll voters, members or the general public by providing a push button polling process that allows your target audience to directly interact with your organization. 

Don’t take chances with your campaign or organization’s integrity or reputation. Let our educated team of professionals work with you to guarantee that you follow all guidelines associated with automated calling and polling.

Our Experience: Since 2020

Our experience speaks for itself. Simply put, we help local, state, and federal campaigns win.

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